Atividades inglês 1º Ano: substantivos, plurais, verbos, adjetivos e pontuação

Olá, professores que acompanham o site Atividades para professores. Hoje trago para vocês atividades de inglês para 1º ano do ensino Fundamental. São Pequenos testes que podem ser aplicados em sala de aula ou utilizados como tarefas ou atividades de sala de aula.

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Atividades inglês 1º Ano: substantivos

Nouns, Plurals, Verbs, Adjectives and Punctuation

Name:___________________ Class: I A ___ Date: ____________


Nouns are naming words. Nouns are names of people, places, animals and things.

Example: People: Sara, Ali, Tina, Alia.

Places: India, school, garden, park.

Animals: lion, fox, cat, monkey.

Things: tables, books, fan, car.

I. Read the sentences and circle the nouns:

1. Seema and Rana are dancing.

2. The monkey is on the tree.

3. Raj is in Kerala.

4. The car is red.

5. The book is on the table.

II. Choose the nouns from the box and write them in the correct column:

pen school brother lion park cat book Ali

Atividades inglês 1 Ano substantivos plurais verbos adjetivos pontuação

atividades de ingles para 1 ano 1 - 1

Name:___________________ Class:___ Date: ____________

Nouns that stand for only one person, place, animal or thing are said to be singular.

Nouns that stand for more than one person, place, animal or thing are said to be plural.

To make plural of a noun we add ‘s’

tree trees

I. Write the plurals of the following words:

  1. duck
  2. bird
  3. bag
  4. doll
  5. boy
  6. 8
  7. eye
  8. pen
  9. star
  10. face
  11. game

English Worksheet -Describing Words (Adjectives)

Name:________________________ Class___ Date:____________

The words that say something about a noun are called Describing Words.



  • a big house
  • a sunny day
  • a small mango

I. Underline the describing words (adjectives):
1. Ali has a new pen.
2. Tom is a good boy.
3. Peacock is a beautiful bird.
4. An elephant is a big animal.
5. Rose is a beautiful flower.
6. Monkeys have long tails.

II. Write any 3 describing words on your own:

1. _________________ 2. ________________ 3. _________________

English Worksheet-Grammar: Plurals

Name:________________________ Class ___ Date:____________

We add –s to nouns to make plurals


  • book books
  • table tables

We add –es to words that end with s, h, x, z and o to make plurals


  • bus buses box boxes
  • dish dishes
  • potato potatoes

I. Write the plurals of the following words:

  1. brush
  2. chair
  3. pencil
  4. horse
  5. shoe
  6. buffalo
  7. bush
  8. hero
  9. glass
  10. class
  11. wish
  12. bus
  13. dress

English Worksheet -Punctuations

Name:________________________ Class ___ Date:____________

All sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop.

Names of people and places begin with a capital letter.

The word I is always written as a capital letter.


  • I like to play games.
  • Ali is a good boy.
  • I am from Brazil.

I. Punctuate the following:

1. he is a good boy
2. i have a pencil
3. the cat is hungry
4. delhi is a big city
5. sana is at home

English Worksheet – Grammar: Verbs

Name:________________________ Class ___ Date:___________

I. Look at the pictures and write the sentences:

1. Raj / juice
Raj drinks juice.
2. Juhi / football.
3. Mother / food.
4. Rahul / cake.
5. Ayesha / milk.

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